DPA Care & Share Programme 2017

Dancepointe Academy (DPA) Care and Share Week – Dance, Give & Joy​Dancepointe Academy (DPA) organises a Care and Share Week on 28th November until 7th December 2017.  In conjunction with this, DPA collaborated with Community Chest Singapore to bring Dance Education to 20 underprivileged families with teens ranging from 12-20 years old – our Guest Dancers. During this period, DPA will be hosting a 4-day Performing Arts Enrichment Camp entailing various dance genres such as Lyrical, Jazz Funk and KPOP for the Guest dancers and DPA Students.  DPA aims to provide an insight into the life of a dancer with a Showcase at the end of the camp on the 2nd Dec. During this event, DPA will select 6 outstanding Guest Dancers to be given ONE year of Scholarship Classes with DPA.
2500 DPA Donation Cards were given out during this period to all our DPA families. The proceeds will be given to the beneficiaries under Community Chest such as Rotary Family Service Centre and Care Corner for their education funds.
4-day Performing Arts Enrichment Camp
Fees: Free of Charge
Participants: 20 Guest Dancers and 60 DPA Studnets
28th November 2017, Tuesday      @ Dancepointe Academy JCube
29th November 2017, Wednesday    @ Dancepointe Academy Big Box
30th November 2017, Thursday      @ Dancepointe Academy Big Box
1st December 2017, Friday          @ Dancepointe Academy Big Box
Ending off with a showcase on 2nd Dec at JStage; JCube level 5. Time: 5.00-6.30PM
Venue for Dance Camp:Â Dancepointe Academy @ JCube /Â Dancepointe Academy @ Big Box
9:30 – 10:30 am
Studio 1 (Junior Group): KPOP
Studio 2 & 3 (Senior Group): Jazz Funk
10:45 – 11:45 am
Studio 1 (Junior Group): Lyrical
Studio 2 & 3 (Senior Group): KPOP
12:00 – 1:00 pm
Studio 1 (Junior Group): Jazz
Studio 2 & 3 (Senior Group): Lyrical
*15 Minutes interval for snacks or toilet breaks.
Teachers: KPOP by Ms Tay Shufen, Jazz Funk by Mr DK and Lyrical by Ms Lilian Ng
This event is open into two (2) categories –
Junior Group – Guest dancers age 12yo & DPA Grade 3 to Grade 6 Year 1 Students
Senior Group – Guest dancers age 13-20yo & DPA Grade 6 Year 2 and above Students
DPA would like to extend this act of love by offering a limited number of spaces to our own Dancepointe family members to come and dance with the Guest Dancers to make new friends and also to share their experience as a dancer. There will be a costume charge of $40/- per student for the 2nd Dec showcase, and we would like to encourage you to sponsor a guest dancer as well; this donation will be used to sponsor one guest dancer with their costume, accessory, and makeup during the camp and showcase. You can make this contribution in the DPA Donation Card and indicate the purpose.
DPA Students can choose only ONE (1) genre among Lyrical, KPOP or JazzFunk. DPA students, who are interested in registering for this Dance Camp, please register online at by clicking on the above 1 dance genre in the camp schedules! Only limited to first 9 Junior/10 Senior DPA students per dance genre/per slot. (We encourage you to sign up fast as there are limited spaces available!)
Closing Date for registration: 19th November 2017, 2359hrs.
The 4-day camp will end with a Showcase of Guest Dancers and DPA students in front of their family members.
Event:        Dance Family Outing (DFO) – A Dance Showcase to all DPA families
Venue:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â JStage at JCube, Level 5
Date:        2nd December 2017, Saturday
Time:         5:00pm – 6:30pm
Highlights:    6 dance items from the Dance Camp and 12 Hip Hop and Kpop items from 5th Avenue and Dance Factory students; the Street Dance Department of DPA.
We look forward to your participation and generosity in making DPA Care and Share Programme a success!